Thursday, February 5, 2009


Oh my heavens. The more I tell myself I am going to update, the less I do it. This week has been so crazy. Chad flew out last sunday for a business trip in Texas. My mom was able to come up and hang out with me so I wasn't all by myself. Well, she got here just in time. My kids got SO sick the day after she got here. So with a few trips to the doctor, a ton of tylonol, and an antibiotic, they are feeling a little better. Gracie had strep and an ear infection, and little Mike had an ear infection and he might have pnemonia. We are watching him closley to make sure that's not what it is. It was so awesome to have my mom here to help me out. Now that she's gone I don't know what to do with myself! It was SO nice to be able to take the kid's to her in the morning and get some rest after they had a hard night. Thank goodness for mothers. I also had new beginnings on tuesday. I recently got called as the personal progress leader in our ward. It's a pretty challenging calling but I hope that I can bring some good to the program. My mom was also a big help in that. The theme was "New BEEginnings" The theme for the year is to be an example so we really ran with the whole "BEE" thing. It was lots of fun to make the handouts for the girls. I like the chances I get to be crafty. I'm not good at it, but I at least get to explore that part of my personality. Also, I was going to make this a post by itself, but could any of you that recently went to private please invite me?? There are a few of you that I can't ever get to see what you are up to and I would love to! My email is My mamma was also wondering if you could add her. Her email is She loves to see what you are all up to also. Toodle doo for now....

Our handouts.... Crown that says queen bee... a bee with candy that says bee and example, and bracelets, also, be an example.

The table

Our niece Riley getting a haircut.. what a cute little cartoon.

Mikey at IKEA.. such a happy boy for being so sick

A whopping 22 lbs!! Atta boy.

Poor sick kiddos.


Chelsea said...

That is the worst!! I gotta say though, I always get more cuddles when the kids are sick. So it makes up for the puke and fever!

Lyndy Staheli said...

O man that's to bad your kids have been so sick. My kids were really sick this week too. Jamie is over it but Mason still not feeling good at all. That's nice your mom was able to be there and help you out though. Ya got to love moms!!!!

Your Bee handouts were so cute. I bet the girls just loved it.

Taylors said...

Oh I'm so sorry about your kids! I'm so glad your mom was there to help, I can't imagine doing that alone. Lydia is great :)
You will be so good in YW you are crafty! Very cute bees :)

. said...

Good job Grandma lydia for saving the day! Looks like you have had your hands ful with the kids. I miss em. Can't believe Mikey is going to be one. Time flies. Love you. Lets rename your blog Lifes Frosting now because you are so crafty too!

mommaRx said...

I love Mikey's fohawk so much! I also love his delerious picture at IKEA.... What an amazing crafter you are- those bees are the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Sharps said...

OOH paco. I am so sorry. THE most stressful part of being a mom is worrying when your kids are sick..I always think the worst being the nurse minded person I sucks. Glad Lyd Lyd was there. I hope you didn't pin her down and blow down her nose...She is too nice. K I love the handouts...I have a dinner for scouts that is a cowboy theme...whats the handout?...beeee thinking about it for me! NO pun intended.

Kirsten said...

ok the bee's are too cute - and why is it that you think you're not creative? that looks like a lot of work and thought went into it girlie. Oh and I'm totally jealous of Mikey....B is just now 22.5 lbs at 18m old!

Taylor Gardner said...

Can we say....sick of being sick?! Come on Summer! I'm glad they're coming out of hard.

Not crafty--ha! You SO are. Everything was just perfect. You're the best!

Kassi said...

Those bees are so cute! How fun! I am not all that crafty. I try but I usually hate everything I make haha Hope the kids are feeling better!

Sarah Jimenez said...

Sorry to hear about the sick kids. That's rough. Your bee theme was very cute, and I agree with everyone else- you are VERY creative. The hand-outs were awesome.

Robin said...

Ecadnac--Did you get my text the other day? We've been sick over here too. Luckily we've had flu & cold so we're set and done with those(I hope!) How fun you're in YW. I was with the miamaids and then we moved so no longer. But I loved being in YW! Tell Lydia hi and your fam. Daniel's fam is over visiting us right now! Tell Mikee and Gracie that D is wondering why they dont play any more???

Austin said...

Can't believe that there is no mention of the stellar beehive....