Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Time to ponder?

Well, I don't have anything new to post about. I don't even have any fun pictures. But If I'm going to be a real time blogger I must post. I wish I at least had some fun pictures to post. My computer crashed weeks ago and Chadder and I have yet to purchase a new one. I am sitting on Chad's laptop right now listening intently to hear if the children are awake or FINALLY dozing off. Gracie got to stay up a little late tonight because she had a pretty serious fall tonight and I had to make sure there was no concussion. Ahhhh... Time for a breather. This is one of my favorite times at night. I love to sit after a long day and listen to some Idol, and read up on my buddies. This last weekend my sissy and her kids came up to do a little wedding shopping. It was so much fun to spend time with them. It is a hectic time in our lives but such a fun time. There are struggles, and heaven knows there are some hard times, but oh man... the good times make up for it. Casey and I were cracking up at the kids just making so much noise and running around we were stressed but we wouldn't have had it any other way. I know, I know, I post all the time about how crazy things get and how stressed out I get, but really, I think I'm just one of those people who loves chaos. I'm glad too, because there is a lot of it!


Sharps said...

HI Chaos....thats my first, middle, and last name! SO my sister is in town its my moms birthday and my hubbies birthday so this weekend is a NO GO! I suck, I suck really really bad. I am sorry :( I feel really bad...I am overprogrammed and need some time out for women...


Robin said...

I love to chill out and watch AI at night too! Life is stressful but I think I thrive off of it. Sometimes it drives me crazy though! Sounds like you guys are doing well. Sorry about Gracie's fall. Diego took a fall today too. Out of the high chair. I think he flipped. Of course I missed it b/c I was 1/2 ft. away turned the other way but it was bad enough to make me feel like a horrible mom! oops! Note to self...lock the boy in when he's in the chair!

Sharps said...

Are you still pondering? HOW did things go this weekend. I cant believe I didn't see you. Life IS crazy isnt it? I hope all went well. HOpe your doing good!