Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nemo Hat

I have felt so yucky and I am finally feeling better. I know, I'm home doing nothing so there must be time to blog right? Well, I did blog. Just not update. I read lots of blogs. All of yours in fact. Well, all of yours on my right sidebar. Oh how I love when you update. I however, am now doing my part. Like I said, I have been sick so I haven't done diddly, but we did have Chad's brother Travis' family come to visit. It was lots of fun to visit with Lyndy and let the kids play. We went to jumping jacks to let the kids expend some energy. Boy was it worth it.

Next, this was today. You will notice that my little boy has a Nemo swim diaper on his head. Why you ask? well, he kept handing it to me saying "Nemo Diap?" "No" I finally said "It's a Nemo hat!" then he proceeds to put it on his head and wear it for the remainder of the day. That's right, even when I went to the post office AND Macys. I'm the weirdo that let's her kids wear diapers on their heads. Stare all you want just don't judge.

And also I know everyone is making these, but I'm proud as a peach that I finally figured it out.


Mikkel said...

Haha love the Nemo hat!! I am sick too, and right along with ya.... I LOVE when everyone ELSE updates!!!

Andrea Gilberg said...

Love the nemo hat, haha. It is the worst being sick and being a mom. We are all getting over the flu here as well. SUCKS. Anyways, get better.

Malinda S. said...

Love it! I promise am not judging...I can just picture the scrapbook layout on this one. His future girlies will love it! Hope you get feeling better.

Sharps said...

so funny....i made tons of those flowers and put them on chloes shirts just last week when i was home with sick kids!!! we think alike! get better!

Staheli said...

All my sister in-laws are so dang domestic...I gotta catch up one of these days.
And about the nemo hat...I love it. I am so one of those moms that everyone has got to be wondering about, almost all the time.

Robin said...

That's so funny your blog was about swim diapers b/c Diego was running around with his GO Diego Go swim diapers asking to wear them. All I could think was don't touch those diapers they cost a fortune...ha true to my cheapness! HOpe you feel better!

Hermana Whitehead said...

Okay...the Nemo hat is cute. I wouldn't judge if I saw that at a store...I would laugh. You are so crafty. Hope you're feeling better now.

Sharps said...

your not sick anymore. change your post. i want some new pictures of you. get down here. now.

Ashley J said...

Cute flowers....I want to know how! Also very cute hat, Shawn has taught our kids to put EVERYTHING on their heads, not so sure I appreciated that lesson, but what do you do.
Any sister says you are neigbors that is great you need to get her out more often. :)