Monday, September 6, 2010

Half of 120

My dad has a HUGE birthday coming up.. I won't tell you which one (but it's in the title) So we wanted to do something special for him. We decided to throw a big surprise party couple of weeks early. He honestly had no idea. It was hilarious when he walked outside. It was so fun to get together to celebrate our dad. We love him so much. It was a quick trip but totally worth it. Happy Birthday Dad!! I love you sooo much.

Gracie and Chloe eating some breakfast

Mikey and Daddy pooped out

Three generations of pure class

Story of their lives

Mckenna and Anna getting ready for Grandpa to come!!

All of the brothers and sisters... this is a long story, but we did a skit for my dad this was taken right after. If you are itching to know the story, I'll tell it to ya.

Chase, Casey, Clayton, Me, and Chan

Gracie giving Grandpa her present that she colored

Old man cream

Dad getting the diaper put on... hahaha...

Ta Da!!

Chan getting ready for his "Roger Roast"

Clayton and Carsyn

Baby Carsyn

Casey telling Dad about the Denver Broncos tickets he gets for his B-day!!

Anna B

GQ Called

Uncle Chase and Cars

Me and Daddy

Lexi modeling

the babes


Cyndi said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Happy Birthday to your Dad! YOu guys have the funnest family, always doing fun stuff together! I'm glad you guys had a great time:)

Hermana Whitehead said...

You have some good-lookin' family members in that family of yours. What a great way to say "We love you, dad".

Malinda S. said...

I always love the titles of your posts. It always makes me want to click on them when it comes up in my reader. Happy birthday to your dad