Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Halloween Part 1

I can't believe I am just getting to these post. But I am getting closer.... one by one.

The kids helping sand the fence for the garden area

Our Mikey boy. He saw a lego set in the store months ago and decided he really wanted it. Well, legos are not cheap so we promised we would go in half with him. He still had to earn almost $40.  He worked so so hard and finally earned enough money to go get the set! I was so proud of him for setting a goal and working hard to achieve it. 

Wrestling this year was a hoot.  We signed Owen and Mikey both up. It was so fun at practices to see Mikey teaching Owen some tricks. In the end, I just couldn't let Owen do any matches. He is far to innocent to figure out why these boys kept throwing him on the ground. He would smile the whole time but it was breaking my heart! So I let him practice with the team, but I didn't let him do any matches. Which was fine with him. 

The Halloween fair at the kids school was really fun. And it gave Owen a chance to use his lion costume.

Fence painting

Mikeys costume was so fun this year. He got a lot of stares and some people even asked to take his picture. He got half way around the block and had to take it off. It was so heavy it was making him sweat.

Chad and I going to our friends annual halloween party. I was a "ceiling fan" and Chad was "Chicken cord on blue"

The pumpkin patch!

We made a deal with the kids, they could have whatever pumpkin they wanted but they had to be able to carry it to the wagon then to the car. Mike and Grace chose huge ones of course but they did awesome!

At the kids school apparently Halloween is not very politically correct so they have a "history fair" instead. Gracies class dressed up as vikings and Mikeys class were explorers. 

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