Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The story...

So the story goes:

Most everyone knows the pain this pregnancy was. We fought and fought to keep this little boy baking. Starting at 27 weeks, I had to have progesterone shots every Monday, not to mention specialists, ultrasounds, the whole shi-bang. It was terrible. Well, when 37 weeks rolled around I was ready to have this baby. I had been contracting to the point where I felt like I was in Labor for weeks. The doc stripped my membranes on week 37 and 4 days. I sent out a text to my family saying " we will probably have a baby this weekend!" Then.... nothing. Nada.... Nothing happened. If anything happened, I think it slowed the process down! I stopped contracting and was feeling better than I had in months. Chad had me walking and working but nothing worked! Oh well, the baby wasn't due for another couple of weeks so we thought we'd just wait! Then on Tuesday the 31st, I woke up and my water broke. I wasn't going to worry because I knew if I was actually in labor my body would let me know. So I just went about my day and I was contracting quite a bit. Not a ton, but enough that I noticed. So then around 3pm I had THE WORST contraction and there was another "gush" and I started contracting hard every three minutes after that. Around 6 I couldn't even talk through the contractions so we decided it was time to go!
Things were awesome after that. We were the only ones having a baby that night so we had the floor all to ourselves. I was at a 5 when we got to the hospital so I got my epidural pretty quickly. I think it was around 7 pm. My epidural was a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I could feel everything with the contractions, I could still move my legs, I just couldn't feel any pain. It rocked. Then the doc came in at 11:45 and said "Do you want a May 31 baby or a June 1st baby?" We wanted to wait until the first but I started bleeding so they had to get the babe out to make sure it wasn't him. 3 pushes later he was here! 11:54 pm. It was grand. He didn't have a name for about 24 hours but we decided on Owen Grant Staheli. He is darling. And already getting so big!

Baby O

In his hospital shirt

Leaving the Hospital!
My three. I love that Mike is trying to put his finger in his mouth. And also his face.

Chad facetiming with his family.

Grandma Lydia. Words can't express my gratitude to this lady. She has been here the second I needed her. She had just as hard of a time getting this baby here as I did! The house feels so empty without her. You know mom, we have an empty house next door. Just something to think about :)

First time being held by dad!
This was cracking me up. Chad was starving and Mcdonalds was the closest place, so he got the 20 chicken nugget deal. I have to admit, chicken nuggets never looked so good :)
Getting ready to go!! (The pictures are obviously backwards)


Lyndy Staheli said...

He's so cute. I'm so glad things went so well for you at the end. I wish we were closer so we could come by and meet him.

Jamie has been asking when she can play Grace on the x box. Give us a call sometime and we will have to let them play together. I tried your number but I guess its been changed.

Stacy Mike and Thalia Talbot said...

Congratulations, he really is darling. I'm so glad for you to have all that behind you-you are a trooper through your pregnancies!

Kirsten said...

Oh I LOVE the name :)
and you know how I am about "the story"!!! Thanks for posting & congratulations!!! :)

Roberts Fam'ly said...

Yeah for 'the story'! I have been wondering how everything went! Congratulations again!

Malinda S. said...

Congrats! He looks just like daddy!

Kassi said...

Congrats! He is a cutie!