Thursday, December 9, 2010

This week

Last weekend we went to Logan to visit Chad's parents. I always love going up there this time of year because of all the snow and the fog. The kids always love to go sledding and make gingerbread houses. They have been pretty bored around the house so it was nice to get out and go visit family. Before we left we had to get the tree up! The kids were such good helpers this year.

Sledding! This was in the middle of the day but the fog was so bad you could hardly see.
Grace was catching Mike before he went to the bottom of the hill

Grandpa and the kids coming up the hill

Little Mike

Grandpa and Gracie's turn!

Mikey's turn!

Grandpa and Grandma got a couple of black kitty's. They sure are cute!

Gingerbread houses!!

Gracie and Dad vs Mom and Mike

Mom and Mike's

Gracie and Dads

Making suckers for our sucker tree!! We mostly made a mess. And like five suckers.

Yep, I'm one of those people that takes pictures of their animals. This is how we found Roxy and Tie asleep last night.


Taylors said...

Fun... COLD looking post! Why do kids love snow so much? I can only be out in the cold for like 10 min tops :) How are you feeling? I keep thinking of you and hoping you are doing ok. Love the pic of roxy too... lol that's like one that goes around email.

Staheli said...

I want to be there with you guys so bad. It kinda makes me sad seeing those pictures of you all up in Logan with only you guys there. It's probably fun to have Grandma and Grandpa all to yourself though. I really need to call you, I haven't even told you congrats yet. I'm so excited and I hope that things are going well. We think about you a lot. I show Scotty your blog a lot, just so that he can get an update on his cousins that he misses.

Ashley Jackson said...

Wow Candace congrats on the news of the new baby! I feel like I am so far behind everyone I only have one and everyone else is working on three! Crazy! Also your house looks so cute decorated for Christmas I love your big window!