Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wait a Minute Mr.Postman!!!

Yes, his hair seriously looks like this.
(Excuse my singing in the background. At least I know I'm awful)


Anonymous said...

So cute! You can't really hear him singing though.

Anonymous said...

OK,First you put him in a dance class NOW we've got his hair in a ponytail!~ I'm coming to get him.

Dad said...

That was Dad...I'm pretty anonymous

Taylors said...

LOL!!!! Love it!!! Love his hair too, what a cutie :)

Malinda S. said...

Too cute!

Stacy Mike and Thalia Talbot said...

Oh man! That made my day! What a cutie! My kids totally loved that. By the way, I dig his hair. :)

Kirsten said...

haha, cute!! But Candace, I have to disagree with everyone else on here..... for the love of all that is manly TAKE THAT PONY TAIL OFF OF YOUR SON!!!!! :)
ps - you always did have a nicer voice than you gace yourself credit for :)

Sharps said...

Your a cute mom! so fun....I wish I was your neighbor so we, i mean our kids could hang out all the time.