Thursday, September 23, 2010

5... Holy Moly.

I can't believe she is five! Time has gone by so fast. Gracie amazes me. Really. She is so smart and happy and funny. I love that I can hang out with her any time I want:) She had such a fun day this year.

The day started off with heart shaped pancakes (her fav)

For school she got to take a snack to everyone I told her she could pick aaannnyythiiinnggg she wanted. She of course picked cotton candy because it has the highest sugar content.

Then it was off to Jumping Jacks for her party. She was able to invite six friends for pizza and play. Her #1 pick for friends was Spencer. She went to school with him last year and she LOVES him. They play so cute.

I made all of the kids a shirt so I could keep track of them better... Gracies was black because, well-she was the birthday girl.

She provided her own party tricks.

Gracie and Spencer.

When we got home we had a little party with just us. We wanted to do one alone because........

Gracie got a KITTY! YAY! she loves it so much. I am still on the fence. She called grandma to tell her all about it. His name is Tie. Not Ty, Tie, like on dads shirt.

Ick. My worst cake ever. hahaha.. really, I'm laughing because look how bad!! I didn't even smooth out the fondant. ohhh welll, Gracie liked it!

Happy Birthday Babe. I love you more than ever. You are my FAVORITE daughter by far.


The Staheli's said...

Happy Birthday to Gracie!! How fun that she got a KITTY! :) Seriously, cats are such easy will be great.

Lyndy Staheli said...

Happy Birthday Gracie! That's so fun she got a cat. I'm sure she loved it. I love that you made all the birthday kids shirts, that is such a cute idea.

Chelsea said...

I love how you do peanut butter on pancakes. Yes, that's the way!
And the party looked STELLAR. Love. I mean, how can it get any better.... oh, yeah, you get a KITTY later!??!?! WHAT? now I look really bad. I'm totally buying my kid plastic for her birthday.
;) great job Cando!

Taylors said...

Love the shirt idea, you are always so creative! Yay for the kitty for Gracie! Happy Birthday Gracie.

Sarah Jimenez said...

Awesome birthday! I love the shirt idea. Congrats on trying fondant; I think it looked great- and yummy! Good luck with the kitty, I bet your kiddos are in heaven! My poor kids will probably never have pets.... I can't handle them.

Sharps said...

OH MY GOSH! That is ADORABLE! A little girl getting a kitty for her BDAY! I got a kitty one time and it was my favorite gift EVER! Why did I not know about Jordons kitty allergy when I met him???? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. SO SAD. I love kitties. Meow.