Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yeeeesh. I'm 26. Still young, but it feels a lot older than it is. I mean, I'm pretty much 30! haha... this year was perfect. The family went out and got me spounge bob hats, cake, and presents. We had some good friends over for cake and ice cream and partied all night. The big event came a few days earlier when the hubs took me to Chicago for my birthday. It was so fun. I love the windy city in August. There really is nothing better.. Happy birthday to me!!

Mike and me strapping on the hats

Family pic!

Eating a Chicago dog at midway (Our camera died right when we got into town, so we only had Chad's Iphone. Crappy pics, but at least we got some)

At the Midway airport they have the coolest art. This hangs right at the entrance. It is a million little planes hanging to make a bird and it's shadow. I sit and look at it every time we are there.

He loves me.

We got to go see our Chicago besties and meet their DARLING little boy Ari. Ohhh he is so cute and he made me miss our babies!!

Chad took me to see Shrek the musical. It was SO funny. We wished the kids were there. They would have loved it.

Hitting up some concerts in the park


Cyndi said...

Happy Birthday to you! What lucky ducks to get to go hang out in Chicago! YOur hubby must REALLY love you:) I'm glad you had a great day!

Malinda S. said...

Happy birthday! (a little late)

Kirsten said...

WOW... you're old :) but that only means that I'm older.. lol
Looks like you had fun :)

Robin said...

Happy belated ecadnac. you guys should come play at the beach with us. right when it starts snowing...pack up and drive to our house. cant guarantee hot weather then, but warm weather and the beach yes, and i can guarantee no snow! haha

Sarah Jimenez said...

What a fun birthday! We had a lay over at the Chicago airport. I had never been to Chicago (still haven't really....) But as we were flying in I told Cody we'll have to go sometime. I never realized how beautiful it is there! Glad you had a great birthday!