Friday, September 10, 2010

Is it here yet?

Dear Halloween,
I have mixed emotions this year. I want to you get here because you are my favorite holiday, but that also means, my little girl is five and it is only days until the first snow. Yuck.


Lydia said...

Oh, there's my "billybobs". How proud.
Love Grama Redneck.

Staheli said...

They look like the best of buds. So cute. I hear ya about halloween and the snow, here's your answer, come visit us. If it snows here they shut everything down, so that tells you somethin'. Miss you guys, it was so great talking to you the other night.

Sharps said...

OH how cute! WE love Halloween...but I know what you mean about Christmas...although...I dont really dread the snow... :) TELL ME you got my card? COME ON! What the junk! It was a work of art.