Wednesday, April 13, 2011

31 Weeks

Well, we are 31 weeks down. I am taken back a bit when I think that when I was this far along with Mike, he was born in a week. This pregnancy has been a pain in the patoot. I never thought puking 3 times a day would be the least of my problems! I'm not going to bore you with the details, but basically we are trying to keep this baby in as long as we can. That includes shots and ultra-sounds (not the fun ones) weekly and lots and lots of help from the grandmas. We are so lucky to have so many people who are willing to help us out. This baby is so lucky to have so many people who want him to be born healthy and full term! Things really are going good. We are literally counting down the days and weeks before he comes. Getting baby things ready isn't so easy from the couch but we will be more prepared this time than we were with Mike!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute little baby bump! You look great!

The Staheli's said...

You look great! SO TINY! WOW! I hope all goes well and that little one bakes as long as possible. :)

Robin said...

Cando--skinny minnie that picture says so much. Like you're hanging in there (as you always do) and yet going through hell. My prayers for you friend:) And the little man. Come visit after you have this babe.

Lydia said...

You so cute.

Cyndi said...

Holy crap PLEASE tell me that is not you at 31 weeks but at like 20! I cannot believe you are so SMALL, and that the baby is wanting to come... I am so sorry that you are having a hard time keeping the little rascal in! I hope you make it term for both your sake and the babes. You really do look so good for all that your going thru!

Stacy Mike and Thalia Talbot said...

Hang in there Candace. He will be here before you know it and all that you have sacrificed will be so worth it. Take advantage of the time you get to just snuggle with Mike and Gracie. Three kids is SO busy and it may be awhile before you get to again, even if the couch seems a little boring right now. I am so excited for you and Chad to have your family grow-we wish you guys the best!

Kirsten said...

You look AMAZING!!!! And, you know this b/c I've always told you this, but I LOVE your hair dark :)
So glad you are taking it easy & letting others help you!! You guys are in my prayers that it continues to go full term :)

Teresa said...

Thanks for the updates! So sorry to hear how sick you are again, and hope the homestretch gets better. Your kids are so adorable. I can't believe how fast they are growing! Best wishes with the incubating.

Sharps said...

OHHHH your so cute. I love your long hair...I love your preg belly...and of course I love your sense of humor. ITS COMING SOON! YEAH! 3 kids is craziness but I LOF IT! Cant wait to see him:) we need to just rent a room at little america and crack up. there are plenty of good hospitals around there. you dont need to be in your bed in sf!