Monday, April 11, 2011

Conference weekend.

My poor blog. Things have been happening in our lives I promise. I was put on bed rest because this little baby is threatening to come early just like Mikey. So along with that you'd think I would have PLENTY of time to blog. Not so. I find it is hard to get motivation for anything these days. I know I am going to look back and wish I had documented this time better. I have had a lot of fun reading my journals from when I was pregnant with Gracie and Mike and this time is no different. So even though my next few posts might be really lame, I'm committing to doing it anyways. Because if I am bored out of my mind, my readers might as well be too :) We have had to stay pretty close to home for the last few months because we need to be by a good hospital in case this little boy decides to join us soon, so needless to say I have had a bad case of cabin fever. So when conference weekend rolled around I was pretty excited to head up to Logan. We go every year and the boys usually do the orchard pruning but this year it was just Chad and I so he just helped his dad with some random outside projects. And it has been the weirdest weather so we didn't really know what to plan on. It was about 60 on Friday then on Saturday we woke up to about 5 inches of fresh snow. Spring is right around the corner, I can feel it in my bones. I'm so excited to soak up the sun. I look and feel like death has been knocking at my door (even though it hasn't) so this change of seasons is just what we need. I have more pictures I need to post, but this is all I have time for, so you'll just have to be patient while I catch up.

Miss Grace

Of course Mikey wouldn't get off Grandma and Grandpas new fourwheelers

Getting the plot ready for the new orchard.

Mikey wants a ride!

The three Mike-a-teers.

Gracie and Mikey watching "diarrhea" of a wimpy kid


Staheli said...

Ahhhhhhh......I'm so jealous. I wanted to be chilling with you all in Logan during conference. Miss you guys. We are keeping you all in our prayers. I'd love to talk to you again sometime. Those kiddos are getting so big and beautiful as ever. Talk to ya later.

Taylors said...

Oh Candace I am so sorry you are having to stay down. I wish I were closer so I could help you. Good luck with everything and baby stay in there :) If you are board you can always call me :)

jen said...

Looks so fun! I wish you guys were going up next weekend with us. There's going to be an awesome Easter egg hunt!