Thursday, May 13, 2010

oh boy

Oh my Michael... You are such a funny kid. I love you so much. We have been arguing all day today. But I still love you. That big boy in you is just starting to come out and I love to watch. I'm glad you want to do everything on your own. But you are two years old. TWO. Remember that my love.


Malinda S. said...

Way cute!

Rach said...

Hey Your mom said you made your own fondant. that is a load of crap. Now i KNOW you didnt' make that cake! haha Just teasin. I believe you now. Lydia vouched for you and me and Lexi laughed because we would never in a million years know how to MAKE fondant! Really? you made your own fondant? You are awesome! I love it. P.S. I commented on some of your pics on fb, but I don't know if I did it right. (this fb thing is crazy.)

Robin said...

I can't imagine a two year old trying to act like he owns the world. Really Mikey, what the heck are you thinking?! haha. I think him and Dman are twins. And yet, they don't even know each sad. BUt one day we will come visit again!

Andrea Gilberg said...

I just went private send me an email so I can invite you if you want.