Sunday, May 31, 2009

mmmmm SUMMER....

I love summer. There is so much to do that I feel like I never get my chores done. I love to stay busy and go play, but I can't stand how dirty my house gets! I think this weekend was the first time EVER that I had every single towel in my house dirty. I never thought I would see that day. I have so many towels! We had an awesome weekend. On Wednesday I went to Bountiful to spend the day with my sis-in-law Traci and her boys. We always have so much fun when we get together and the kids sure love it. We went to the Bountiful Rec center and let the kids swim. We had a good time. Then my brother Chandler had his little boy for the weekend so we wanted to go do something fun. We took the kids to the Spanish Fork water park and got some sun. Then later that night we went up the canyon with the Gardners for some awesome dutch oven potatoes, dutch oven cake, and some skeet shooting. I LOVE THE SUMMER TIME!!

eye on the prize

Gracie helping daddy load

My boys with their boys

mmmmm dutch oven potatoes

Gracie and Dallin play so good together

Mikey was walking so good while we were up there. We are hoping he'll be a pro in another week or so

Austin's turn to shoot

The Crew

I love this pic

At the S.F. Pool. Mike had enough

Dax man

Traci and the kid's before we went in the pool. We had to tank up on Mcd's before we went in!

Mike and Jake

This pic is classic. Jake had enough and his mom just laughs. It was so cute.

Mike would just float on my legs. I think he loved the sound of the water so he loved to be on his back.


Taylor Gardner said...

What a fun post. You're always so good about getting lots of pictures up. Yet one more way I need to be more like you.

An interesting way to measure the dirtiness of your house--the towel meter...this could stick.

Sarah Jimenez said...

I love all your fun outdoors times! I am in desperate need of some sun. I swear, you have the most photogenic, happy kids.

Anonymous said...

Summer is just barely starting and you already have tons of fun pictures up and fun things you've done already. Your kiddos are so cute!

Thanks, she definitely looks like James so much.

Hermana Whitehead said...

Candace! You are an awesome wife and mother.

Chad, there are not enough words to tell you how wonderful and incredible you are. We love you! Please let us tend your kids some time when you're down in St. George.